Vintage furniture Articles: Still covering most of our houses?

Whether you’ve got a well-chosen accessory or you’re a full-blown mid-century aficionado! No wonder, there’ll be always plenty of us who might have their houses still possessing a lot of old furniture, which we are not planning to get rid-off anytime soon! Be it a 60’s style armchair or a fifties mirror to an eighteenth-centuryContinue reading “Vintage furniture Articles: Still covering most of our houses?”

Things that I still obsess over- Meet the Classics lover!

Are you a huge fan of classics? Do you pride yourself on finding any of it? And treasure it like nothing else? Meet Radhika Garg,34, Home-maker, who is an absolute classist when it comes to living. She loves listening to old Kishore-Da’s Bollywood songs and watching Hindi cinematic movies. Believe it or not, we stillContinue reading “Things that I still obsess over- Meet the Classics lover!”

Elderly people picking up hobbies during Quarantine

In the current situation where everyone is at home. As this adverse condition continues because of Corona Virus epidemic people have the spare time that they always wanted. People are cooking, sketching, knitting etc to keep themselves occupied. Our parents or even grandparents are picking up their favourite hobbies as this is the time whereContinue reading “Elderly people picking up hobbies during Quarantine”

Dress Your Desks: 5 Indian stationery labels with the most unique vintage accessories

Many moons ago, there was a whole world full of people writing thank-you letters and scribbling their to-do lists on personal notepads with sharpened lead. A lovely little time before the clicking of keys on keypads, which we’re ironically listening to even as we type this, and the invention of Twitter or email. Right now, we’reContinue reading “Dress Your Desks: 5 Indian stationery labels with the most unique vintage accessories”

Let’s Revamp: Home interiors from the 50s.

Decorating a home is always fun and many of us are inspired by the retro style, the popular trend from the 50s,60s, and 70s. You may have a modern house but to have a vintage vibe in your space, mix-match the modern interior with the old retro pieces. Do you also have an obsession withContinue reading “Let’s Revamp: Home interiors from the 50s.”

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